By Alfonzo Collazo, PR Director at VESEY
I am a millennial who has always lived life by following my heart. The following is a stream of consciousness that I wrote, bearing in mind how far I have come to be proud of myself. Thank you for inspiring me, Dolly.
36 patches make the coat that I wear. A patch for every year since I was born. I wear my coat with Pride, knowing each and every patch is part of my story.
Some of the patches have rough or worn edges, some are red, blue, green, yellow, speckled, pink, orange, striped. I love the worn ones the most.
At times, I’ve worn my coat for all the world to see, and other times I have snuggled in it to hide from the world or things that scare me.
Being ourselves is no easy task. No one tells us how to wear our individual coats, nor do we know if our coats suit us at all. But the beautiful thing is that my coat is mine, yours is yours, and we all have coats of many colors to wear on our own terms. This unites us as humans, as people, as human kind. And that is absolutely cause for celebration!
Wear your coat, wear your patches, go on your journey, and do so loudly, vibrantly, with #PRIDE
My coat of many colors
That my momma made for me
Made only from rags
But I wore it so proudly
Although we had no money
I was rich as I could be
In my coat of many colors
My momma made for me – Dolly Parton
In a global industry dominated by fast, disposable fashion, Vesey Exclusive’s mission is to create quality clothing that not only endures but has a positive impact on the earth. Since 1709, the Vesey family has taken action towards equality for all individuals.
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